Search For Search Home Knowledge Base Vendors Recording Purchase Order Invoice While receiving a purchase order with cost editing you will be able to record the vendor invoice for the items.... 0 2425 Importing Vendor Contacts 1. Download the excel template file for vendor contact import here. 2. Your template will look like the image below.... 0 2023 Adding New Vendors New vendors can be added from the Vendors window. First, Log into SooPOS and then access the Vendors menu ... 0 1778 Importing a Vendor List With Excel 1.Download the Excel template file here. 2. Open the Excel file. Overview of Excel fields for Vendor: VendorName: The... 0 1771 Printing and Exporting Vendor Lists Log into SooPOS and then access the Vendors menu. Then, on the Vendors screen press Print / Export in... 0 1525 Vendor Job Tracking You can use the Job Tracking module to store and track notes and information for your vendor(s). 1. Add new attributes... 0 1347
Recording Purchase Order Invoice While receiving a purchase order with cost editing you will be able to record the vendor invoice for the items.... 0 2425
Importing Vendor Contacts 1. Download the excel template file for vendor contact import here. 2. Your template will look like the image below.... 0 2023
Adding New Vendors New vendors can be added from the Vendors window. First, Log into SooPOS and then access the Vendors menu ... 0 1778
Importing a Vendor List With Excel 1.Download the Excel template file here. 2. Open the Excel file. Overview of Excel fields for Vendor: VendorName: The... 0 1771
Printing and Exporting Vendor Lists Log into SooPOS and then access the Vendors menu. Then, on the Vendors screen press Print / Export in... 0 1525
Vendor Job Tracking You can use the Job Tracking module to store and track notes and information for your vendor(s). 1. Add new attributes... 0 1347