Search For Search Home Knowledge Base Getting Started / Setup Importing General Ledger into Sage Simply Accounting Once you have created general ledger account and exported your general ledger in Day End, a file will have been created... 0 3154 Importing General Ledger into Quickbooks Step 1. Entering Account Numbers In order to properly export your daily or monthly general ledger for use in your... 0 2955 General Ledger Accounts In order to properly export your daily or monthly general ledger for use in your accounting program, you first have... 1 2674 Importing General Ledger into Peachtree Accounting Once you have created general ledger account and exported your general ledger in Day End, a file will have been created... 1 2655 Adding New Attributes This article will show you how to create new attributes. The attributes are referred to as user-defined fields (UDFs), custom metadata,... -1 2394 Receipt Footer Messages To set up or edit your store’s messages (for printing on receipts, layaway, quotation, special orders, etc) log into the... 0 2241 Generic / Text Only Printer Driver Margins When using the Generic / Text Only printer driver it is possible to have the print results imbalanced so white... 0 1915 Setting Up Taxable Amount — Advanced Method for Tax Exemption or Luxury Tax 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. 2. Overview of the Setup menu: Step... 0 1892 Adding New Positions You can add new employee positions, or edit the permissions on old positions, using the setup menu. First, Log into the... 1 1878 Setting Up Reasons for Paid In and Paid Out To perform a paid in or paid out you must first set up a list of reasons. This is done... 0 1778 Creating Employee Time Card (to login by scanning the barcode) 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. 2. If your employee has not already been created,... 0 1776 Setup your E-mail Application to work with SooPOS This article will guide you on how to setup the Email button to work with your e-mail application on your... 0 1767 Setting up Printers Using the printer setting window you can specify which printer will print each type of document (invoices, day end, etc).... 0 1743 Setting Up Pricing by Margin In order to setup pricing based on a suggested margin percentage, you need to create a special attribute called Suggested Margin. When... 0 1726 Attribute Types (Formats) This article will list the different types of attributes To understand how to create and manage attributes and attribute sets see... 0 1704 Payment Type Setup (Currency and point rates, etc.) Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select Payment tab. You can add new payment types or... 0 1692 Adding New Employees 1. New employees can be added to the system from the setup menu. Log into the system, and then access... 0 1635 Department Setup 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select General Settings tab. 2. Your department will be... 0 1612 Set Layaway Expiry/Due Day To set a default Layaway expiry period (which will be displayed on invoices in the form of a due date)... 0 1584 Printer Settings for Zebra LP2824 Plus If your LP 2824 Plus label printer is not correctly printing your labels, access your printer’s Printing Preferences menu and... 0 1524 Next Page »
Importing General Ledger into Sage Simply Accounting Once you have created general ledger account and exported your general ledger in Day End, a file will have been created... 0 3154
Importing General Ledger into Quickbooks Step 1. Entering Account Numbers In order to properly export your daily or monthly general ledger for use in your... 0 2955
General Ledger Accounts In order to properly export your daily or monthly general ledger for use in your accounting program, you first have... 1 2674
Importing General Ledger into Peachtree Accounting Once you have created general ledger account and exported your general ledger in Day End, a file will have been created... 1 2655
Adding New Attributes This article will show you how to create new attributes. The attributes are referred to as user-defined fields (UDFs), custom metadata,... -1 2394
Receipt Footer Messages To set up or edit your store’s messages (for printing on receipts, layaway, quotation, special orders, etc) log into the... 0 2241
Generic / Text Only Printer Driver Margins When using the Generic / Text Only printer driver it is possible to have the print results imbalanced so white... 0 1915
Setting Up Taxable Amount — Advanced Method for Tax Exemption or Luxury Tax 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. 2. Overview of the Setup menu: Step... 0 1892
Adding New Positions You can add new employee positions, or edit the permissions on old positions, using the setup menu. First, Log into the... 1 1878
Setting Up Reasons for Paid In and Paid Out To perform a paid in or paid out you must first set up a list of reasons. This is done... 0 1778
Creating Employee Time Card (to login by scanning the barcode) 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. 2. If your employee has not already been created,... 0 1776
Setup your E-mail Application to work with SooPOS This article will guide you on how to setup the Email button to work with your e-mail application on your... 0 1767
Setting up Printers Using the printer setting window you can specify which printer will print each type of document (invoices, day end, etc).... 0 1743
Setting Up Pricing by Margin In order to setup pricing based on a suggested margin percentage, you need to create a special attribute called Suggested Margin. When... 0 1726
Attribute Types (Formats) This article will list the different types of attributes To understand how to create and manage attributes and attribute sets see... 0 1704
Payment Type Setup (Currency and point rates, etc.) Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select Payment tab. You can add new payment types or... 0 1692
Adding New Employees 1. New employees can be added to the system from the setup menu. Log into the system, and then access... 0 1635
Department Setup 1. Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select General Settings tab. 2. Your department will be... 0 1612
Set Layaway Expiry/Due Day To set a default Layaway expiry period (which will be displayed on invoices in the form of a due date)... 0 1584
Printer Settings for Zebra LP2824 Plus If your LP 2824 Plus label printer is not correctly printing your labels, access your printer’s Printing Preferences menu and... 0 1524