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Product Attributes

Parent Sku Text Association to transfer quantity from parent SKU (package) to the daughter SKU (each) when the daughter SKU runs out of QOH.
Disc% Integer  The discount applied by percentage to the SKU when it is added to a purchase order (similar to vendor discount, though a controlled value per SKU).
Duty% Integer  The additional cost by the percentage applied to the SKU when it is added to a purchase order (similar to extra vendor charges, though a controlled value per SKU).
Freight Cost Decimal  This is Default extra cost amount applied to the SKU when it is added to a purchase order. Do not use Duty% attribute and this attribute at the same time.
Case Cost Decimal  The list cost will calculate itself based on the value in this field divided by the value in the PKG Qty field (List_Cost = Case_Cost / Package_Qty).
Suggested Margin Text  Calculates the Reg. Sell Price based on a percentage added to the Average Cost.  Formula:  Price = AvgLandedCost / (1 – Margin / 100)
Suggested Markup Text  Calculates the Reg. Sell Price based on a percentage added to the Average Cost.  Formula:  Price = AvgLandedCost  X (1 + Markup / 100)
Disclaimer Text  This message will print on the receipt for the SKU when processed on a transaction.
Kitchen Printers Text  Enter the name of the printer which you want a SKU to print to for a kitchen ticket.
Notifier Text Displays value as a notifier message when a SKU is added to a sale (also works as a Customer attribute).
Authors Text Enter ISBN# into Product Number box in Sku creation screen, the system will fill in Description, Authors, Publisher, Summary, Notes, Price.  Register Access Key from http://isbndb.com/ is required.
Publishers Text Enter ISBN# into Product Number box in Sku creation screen, the system will fill in Description, Authors, Publisher, Summary, Notes, Price.  Register Access Key from http://isbndb.com/ is required.
Sell Package Text Enter quantities per pack and case that will be entered as Qty to be sold at the POS. If you set the attribute to 1/EA;6/pack;12/case
then put [/case]sku1 in POS scan box, the sell qty will be changed from 1 to 12. Quick launch action: {OemOpenBrackets}{Divide}CASE{OemCloseBrackets}
Buy Back Price Decimal Value entered will be what SKU’s return value will be when “Buy Back Mode” is turned on.
Tag Sku Text Automatically add a SKU to the transaction that populates the “Tag Sku” field of the original SKU that is added to the transaction.
No Price CheckBox Checkbox Attribute. When the checkbox is on, the POS won’t ask what the sell price is if the SKU has a regular price set to zero.
Label Type Text Enter the Default Label Type name that you want to be selected when you open the label generator screen from this SKU.
Rental Prices Text Applied charges for Rentals by the increment of blocks assigned. This will be replaced if Reservation’s “Prices Level” attribute has been setup and selected.
Consigned Date Date Consignment start date, Date Attribute. This is track when this item was received for consignment.
Consignment Discount Text Build auto discount rules based on this attribute. This also shows on the Consignment report. Use this as a filter column to quickly set up the special price without setting up the special price for each individual SKU.
EBT Item CheckBox Item qualified for EBT payment type. In payment window, EBT payment amount cannot exceed EBT items sold total. This is to ban the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products on Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards.
CustomerAddressNeeded CheckBox Customer address needed: force to enter customer’s address when selling the items with this attribute on.
Redistribute Ship To Text Store aliases (delimited by ; or ,) when creating Redistribution transfer requests. Transfer between stores in the same region. (limits which stores it can be transferred by)
Membership Expiry Date Date Specifying a date here will be used as an indicator for the duration available for store membership and customer discounts.
Member ID Text Used to associate what Customer is acting as a consignee for this product.
Reservation Group Select Box Select the reservation group that you want your rental SKU to be associated to.
Base Special Price Decimal Lets you apply a special price without creating special price rules.
[CustomerType]_Price Decimal Lets you apply a special price without creating special price rules that apply only to {CustomerType}.


Customer Attributes

 AR Terms (Days)  Integer  Displays on invoice a specified due date for A/R to be paid when that payment type is allotted to the transaction.
SpecialPoints_#### Integer  Used to setup a specific point association for a choice frequent buyer program.
AutoEmailInvoice CheckBox  Email invoice after transaction done.
AutoPrintGiftReceipt CheckBox  Auto-print gift receipt after transaction done.
Notifier  Text  Show notifier message when the customer is selected in POS.
Customer Since Date System will automatically fill date in this attribute.  This is used for Label and report purposes.
Last Modified Date System will automatically fill date in this attribute.  This is used for Label and report purposes.
Last CRM Date Date System will automatically fill date in this attribute.  This is used for Label and report purposes.



Employee Attributes

CustomerTypeLock Text When creating or modifying customers info, the clerk cannot select “Customer Type” on this list. Eg. This will disable certain clerks to select themselves to VIP to get VIP discount.



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