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Viewing Store Inventory

To view your store’s inventory, first enter the Products menu. Next, select the Inventory tab to view the Inventory list....
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  • 1191

Selling Items at Cost Price

1. Login into the system and access the Products menu. Select the Skus tab. 2. Click Special Price Box. This will bring up the...
  • -1
  • 1079

Importing Serial Numbers

1. Download the excel template file for Serial Numbers here. 2. Your template will look like the image below. Fill...
  • 0
  • 986

Manually Adjusting Quantity on Hand

The QOH of any Manage-Stock item can be adjusted manually using the Inventory screen. Login into the system and access the Products...
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  • 969

Transfer Request

A transfer request is meant to request a transfer of inventory from one of your multi-store locations to another. Do...
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  • 950

Grouping SKUs Together

If you wish to group similar SKUs together, you will need to enter a group name in the group field...
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  • 909

Setting Up an In-Store Location

In-store locations will allow you to specify inventory quantities within a particular location of a store. For example, you can...
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  • 876

Pricing by Customer Type

You can create price level based on specified customer types. First, create a decimal attribute [CustomerType]_Price Replace [CustomerType] with the name...
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  • 863

Deleting a SKU

If you make a mistake while entering SKU information, you can easily delete a newly created SKU using the SKUs...
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  • 859

Undo a Posted Purchase Order

If you discover errors in a purchase order after it has already been posted, the only way to correct them...
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  • 838

Creating Jewelery Labels

Jewelry labels are created the same way as regular labels (see: creating labels) but in a much smaller size. Keep...
  • 0
  • 720
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