An assembled(kit) SKU is a group of sub-SKUs sold together in one separate SKU. Every time an assembly is built, the QOH of the sub items will be adjusted to reflect their inclusion into the assembly item.
1. First, create a new SKU to act as your assembled item. Add the item’s info as normal (vendor and department are required fields), but make sure to check the Sku type Assembled.
2. Enter the SKU of the item you want to add to the Assembled SKU into the Item To Add field, then enter the quantity of this item to be added to your Assembled SKU into the Sub-Item Qty field. Use the Add Item button to add each item. Press Save button once you have finished.
3. Now that your Assembled SKU is setup, you can adjust the number of kits in your inventory each time one is assembled or disassembled. Every time an assembled item is built, the QOH of the sub items will be adjusted to reflect their inclusion into the kit item.
4. Enter the quantity of kits built (a positive number) or disassembled (a negative number) into the Quantity field. Press the Assemble/Disassemble button to adjust your quantities.